out like a fat kid in dodgeball

the life and times of e. li-wei chu

Sunday, October 31, 2004

State School Scream

Care Bears, In Full Effect
Originally uploaded by li-wei.
Happy Halloween! We had quite the impressive evening of inebriation. After the two hour sojourn to Madison, WI, the ladies and I strutted our care bear goodness amidst the drunken masses of Univ. of Wisconsin's finest.

- BelligerANT challenging a police officer for asking her to descend from a city fixture.
- Mac & cheese pizza: sounds disgusting, but it's sooo good!
- Best/Most Un-PC Costume: guy dressed as the Pope with hat, wheelchair, and a friend who constantly and destructively wheeled him into drunken crowds.
- J9 peeing an ungodly amount of fluid into the streets of Madison
- Natalie paying a million dollars for smelly chicken fingers -- eww.
- watching Paul flirt with an U-G-L-Y girl
- Julie and BelligerANT doing the dork shuffle in the streets
- being a good samaritan and helping out a cute, drunken sailor from Wash U find his friends (can we say road kill, otherwise?)

Lowlights (is this a real word?):
- 5am Police Warning: fuck you Wisconsin PD! I was NOT speeding. That's costume-discrimination. The dude saw care bear ears and stopped us to "check" on us. On a good note/point of hilarity, Antoinette FELL ASLEEP while being questioned by the officer. Truly Osato style. Haha.
- realizing a friend's ignorance reminded me of the harsh reality of inherent racism in this country. As much as we hope for a colorblind existence, heritage still plays a pivotal role in the definition of identity. And until a white/Caucasian person can spend a day walking in the shoes of a person of color and live the disparity in experiences and opportunities, then someone of privilege can never truly understand why "race still matters." End of racial diatribe. Silly fun continueth.
- passing out the first hour in Madison (Bedtime Bear - go figure)
- losing Natalie to Satan

All in all, it was a good time. Can't say that I'd ever want to do it again, but as my first, and probably last, venture into state school-dom, it was fun.

State School Scream (Pic 1)

Originally uploaded by li-wei.

Instead of Funshine, we got Thugshine Bear. What am I going to do without this girl? (sigh)

Thursday, October 28, 2004


Since this IS a public forum and I have no means by which to know who's reading this and who isn't, I've changed certain names to nicknames/codenames in order to protect the innocent...or rather my ego.

I know this makes it all rather confusing...but for The Homeslice, if you get confused, IM/email me. Think of it as a Sex & the City-esque attempt to mask the true identity of my middle-school crushes. Cary had Mr. Big. I have Mr. Occupied, the Young'n, M3, and oh so many more. What can I say? I'm ridiculous!

peace, love, and misunderstanding,


can't sleep, must study?!

It's 4am and my nervous knots are keeping me from my precious bedtime. Instead of dreaming of beautiful men and lulling rainshowers, I'm dreading the next few days. Next Monday and Tuesday mark D-Day for my GPA -- midterms. Save me now.

If only the DGA app didn't ask for my pesky GPA...sigh. How can you want something so badly but know that you can't have it!?! Ahh...seems to be the revelation of the week both in my career choices and my lacklustre love life. I know I can't be with the one that I want, but does it mean that I'm supposed to feel that much more alone? It's been a rather intolerable day in this department.

I've been so productive and on top of the school thing that I never expected to be physically decimated by the sight of the Wookie and Co. They weren't being obnoxious to me or anything. I spotted them as I was leaving Tree-Hugger discussion in University. They were innocently holding hands and were just...so DAMN HAPPY this afternoon that (with my already aggravated ulcer, mind you) I promptly hurled into a large bush outside of Kresge. Yummy. It was a full on, no holds barred, lunch-tossing. It wasn't pretty.

To make things worse, I called Russ to make it all better...and he didn't. Instead, he proceeded to yell at me for letting the Wookie "still affect me." To him, your mind/will is ultimately stronger than hormones/the heart. So, hypothetically, if I were really "ok" with everything, this would never have happened. So, I was wiping off my own vomit off my Thuggs (my fake Uggs - woot!) and being told to STFU by the one person I thought I could count on for romantic moral support. Well, poo.

Maybe he's right. Mind over matter/s of the heart. That's it. Or not at all actually. Is it wrong to miss snuggling!? Why is it so hard to find someone up to the challenge of deciphering crazy ol' me? Aaah...I'm being SUCH a whiny baby. Bygones.

Anyway, inspired by Miss Cameron Shaw, I thought it prudent to include the theme song of the day. Tonight's insomnia and ulcer inspired melody is...


Song: Colorblind
Artist: Counting Crows

I am colorblind
Coffee black and egg white
Pull me out from inside
I am ready
I am ready
I am ready

I am taffy stuck and tongue tied
Studder, shook and uptight
Pull me out from inside
I am ready
I am ready
I am ready
I am fine

I am covered in skin
No one gets to come in
Pull me out from inside
I am folded and unfolded and unfolding
I am colorblind
Coffee black and egg white
Pull me out from inside
I am ready
I am ready
I am ready
I am fine
I am fine

I am fine.


I am fine...or I will be. Sorry to rant and rave on such a public forum. Well, whatevs. I'm starting to suspect that onlly Ant and Julie read this anyways. Ha...

unfolded and unfolding,

El Loco Wei

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Animals + Love = Beastiality

Don't worry, I'm so not into beastiality. However, I would like you all to notice that I AM posting more regularly now. :)

So, I'm supposed to be writing an ethics essay about my opinion on animal rights. It was due at 6pm today. Oops. I'm having a hard time getting through the reading. It's not that it's boring. It's just that I realize I don't really believe non-human animals have rights.

Now I know that seems awful and horrible to say. PETA will most likely put me on their most wanted list for even typing it. But, in all honesty, after reading Peter Singer's essay, "Utilitaritarian Defense of Animal Liberation," in which he compares the consumption of meat to the tyranny of slavery (yes, he actually thinks "speciesism" is worse than racism), I find myself fighting the urge to eat salad ever again. Instead, I celebrated my carnivorous freedom this evening by buying the biggest bucket of fried chicken from Popeye's that $10 could afford me in protest of ridiculous claims that would equate the pain and sufferring of 400 years of human enslavement to the consumption of poultry that lack the sense to NOT eat their own poo.

I mean, let's be real. The "animal liberation movement" will never truly happen. The meat-industry will never fold to the demands of a vegan public for one simple reason: chicken tastes good. So does steak. And so does bulgogi...mmm, bulgogi. I digress. The point is that I'm officially in a tree-hugger class, and I have no intention of actually writing this essay tonight. Instead, I will formulate my means of analytical mayhem for Mr. Singer and bunny-lovin company, and I'll write it tomorrow. Procrastination = word of the day.

On another note, I don't think I learned how to read "boy" when I was in middle school. I cannot for the life of me interpret my time with a fair friend of the opposite sex. Body language is virtually meaningless now. The classic "arm behind the back/yawn" is just as easily friends being "comfortable." Will someone PLEASE tell me how you're supposed to know when it's a date and when it's just "hanging out?" Is it a matter of self-determination or do we just "roll with the punches" as J$ would say. Most of the time I think we're just friends, but then there are these cliche moments lately where I think maybe there's more. Not that I want that. I mean, he IS hot, but is it time? Apartment survey says yes, but my gut says no. Any opinions?

And what does it mean if you like someone who is already in a relationship? Seems to be a pertinent question these days. I mean, from a basic moral standpoint, it's wrong right? It's soo wrong that it even made it as a Commandment...not that I'm coveting a neighbor's wife...just her boyfriend. Sigh. Dr. Twa thinks that I'm attracted to this guy because he's "safe" - no potential for a relationship = no potential for hurt. Maybe she's right.

Yet, as long as I don't act on it or mention it to anyone else besides Ant and this online forum (eek!), I'm not breaking any friendship or relationship rules...right? There's that saying: "you can't help who you love." Lord knows it's true - I mean, look at my relationship with Andy! (jk) So, if there's no choice in the matter, how can it be wrong to care about this guy? He's great! He's one of the few people in this world who can always make me smile, and that achey feeling in the pit of my stomach from losing A-Bei doesn't seem so bad whenever he's near. But, he's taken.

Another one of my friends at school is going through a similar situation. He's actually in love with his girl...or rather his friend's girlfriend. Yet, instead of crooning to "Jesse's Girl," he actually might have a chance. Is it wrong for him to take it? It would obviously destroy the friendship and their relationship, but is love worth it? And is it necessarily wrong if he forsakes everything for the chance to be with this girl? In his situation, I say no...but it's so much harder when it comes to myself. I don't think I could ever actively pursue someone if they were already in a relationship. For me, it's wrong. For someone else, it's brave. And overall, it's a conundrum, huh? I suppose I'll just stalk from afar...or live vicariously through Janine and her "5 Year Plan."

Wow. 2 ethics classes and I have more ?s than comments in my blog postings. Damn tree-huggers. Anyway, it's about time I start plotting my meaty revenge on some utilitarian liberators. Yeah, try saying that five times fast.

yours carnivorously,

Li to the Wei

Sunday, October 17, 2004

My New Home

829 Gardenz.JPG
Originally uploaded by li-wei.
Hello, hello!

So, I have finally returned to the online world of wonder. And I thought I'd kick things off with an intro of the cast for this year's mayhem.

From left to right we've got:

1. Janine "Nini" Fletcher: the incomparable queen of all that is ghetto and glorious in the Gardenz.

2. yours truly: and no, I did not pee my pants. That lovely stain is from when I attempted to "tap the keg." Oh well, I guess all I'm capable of is tappin ass. Jk...

3. Antoinette "Twa(t)" Nguyen: same roommate, more farting

4. Julie "J$" Kim: hands down, one of the funniest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting...and it's not just b/c she's Korean either!

So yeah, these are the new roommies. We live in this hot house that used to be a crack den that Nini has lovingly dubbed "the Gardenz."

With a couple fresh coats of paint, some flowers, and pimp purple couches, we've converted our humble abode into the new place to be. Or not.

Anyway, that's all I got for now. I promise to update and post the pics of our new adventures soon.

rockin in the free world,
