out like a fat kid in dodgeball

the life and times of e. li-wei chu

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Animals + Love = Beastiality

Don't worry, I'm so not into beastiality. However, I would like you all to notice that I AM posting more regularly now. :)

So, I'm supposed to be writing an ethics essay about my opinion on animal rights. It was due at 6pm today. Oops. I'm having a hard time getting through the reading. It's not that it's boring. It's just that I realize I don't really believe non-human animals have rights.

Now I know that seems awful and horrible to say. PETA will most likely put me on their most wanted list for even typing it. But, in all honesty, after reading Peter Singer's essay, "Utilitaritarian Defense of Animal Liberation," in which he compares the consumption of meat to the tyranny of slavery (yes, he actually thinks "speciesism" is worse than racism), I find myself fighting the urge to eat salad ever again. Instead, I celebrated my carnivorous freedom this evening by buying the biggest bucket of fried chicken from Popeye's that $10 could afford me in protest of ridiculous claims that would equate the pain and sufferring of 400 years of human enslavement to the consumption of poultry that lack the sense to NOT eat their own poo.

I mean, let's be real. The "animal liberation movement" will never truly happen. The meat-industry will never fold to the demands of a vegan public for one simple reason: chicken tastes good. So does steak. And so does bulgogi...mmm, bulgogi. I digress. The point is that I'm officially in a tree-hugger class, and I have no intention of actually writing this essay tonight. Instead, I will formulate my means of analytical mayhem for Mr. Singer and bunny-lovin company, and I'll write it tomorrow. Procrastination = word of the day.

On another note, I don't think I learned how to read "boy" when I was in middle school. I cannot for the life of me interpret my time with a fair friend of the opposite sex. Body language is virtually meaningless now. The classic "arm behind the back/yawn" is just as easily friends being "comfortable." Will someone PLEASE tell me how you're supposed to know when it's a date and when it's just "hanging out?" Is it a matter of self-determination or do we just "roll with the punches" as J$ would say. Most of the time I think we're just friends, but then there are these cliche moments lately where I think maybe there's more. Not that I want that. I mean, he IS hot, but is it time? Apartment survey says yes, but my gut says no. Any opinions?

And what does it mean if you like someone who is already in a relationship? Seems to be a pertinent question these days. I mean, from a basic moral standpoint, it's wrong right? It's soo wrong that it even made it as a Commandment...not that I'm coveting a neighbor's wife...just her boyfriend. Sigh. Dr. Twa thinks that I'm attracted to this guy because he's "safe" - no potential for a relationship = no potential for hurt. Maybe she's right.

Yet, as long as I don't act on it or mention it to anyone else besides Ant and this online forum (eek!), I'm not breaking any friendship or relationship rules...right? There's that saying: "you can't help who you love." Lord knows it's true - I mean, look at my relationship with Andy! (jk) So, if there's no choice in the matter, how can it be wrong to care about this guy? He's great! He's one of the few people in this world who can always make me smile, and that achey feeling in the pit of my stomach from losing A-Bei doesn't seem so bad whenever he's near. But, he's taken.

Another one of my friends at school is going through a similar situation. He's actually in love with his girl...or rather his friend's girlfriend. Yet, instead of crooning to "Jesse's Girl," he actually might have a chance. Is it wrong for him to take it? It would obviously destroy the friendship and their relationship, but is love worth it? And is it necessarily wrong if he forsakes everything for the chance to be with this girl? In his situation, I say no...but it's so much harder when it comes to myself. I don't think I could ever actively pursue someone if they were already in a relationship. For me, it's wrong. For someone else, it's brave. And overall, it's a conundrum, huh? I suppose I'll just stalk from afar...or live vicariously through Janine and her "5 Year Plan."

Wow. 2 ethics classes and I have more ?s than comments in my blog postings. Damn tree-huggers. Anyway, it's about time I start plotting my meaty revenge on some utilitarian liberators. Yeah, try saying that five times fast.

yours carnivorously,

Li to the Wei


  • At 2:36 PM, Blogger atn19 said…

    oh, i'm glad you're back bloggin .. funny entry.

    you know how much i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE meat. f*ck animal rights. it's all about the carnivores. ever heard of the food pyramid? yeah? well, i'm on top of it.


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