out like a fat kid in dodgeball

the life and times of e. li-wei chu

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Greetings From Hollywood!

Since The Homeslice seems to have gone underground, I've decided to just fuck it all and have my own, personal online rant.  Lucky you - you found it.  
As some/most of you know, I'm currently in LA-LA-Land aka Los Angeles.  I'm chillin here for the summer working for 2 music video production companies.  I live with the notorious John Louis Ross.  It's great to finally and officially have him as a roommate, however he has this tendency to leave a trail of Cheerios wherever he roams.  Typical fatty.  
Anyway, life here is grand.  I'm your run of the mill production biotch by day and gay bar hopper by night.  The best part is it hasn't rained ONCE since we've been here.  No wonder they make movies here.  Speaking of which, I've been the busy lil future filmmaker.   
I went on my first commercial set last Tuesday.  I worked on an ad for the Olympics.  It was fucking awesome.  The shoot was out in Long Beach and in this tight, indoor bike arena called the Velodrome.  It was cool, but not nearly as cool as it will be working on the upcoming video shoots.  
Drumroll please: Lenny Kravitz (maybe) and Prince (definitely) will be shooting by the end of the month...and I'm gonna help - woot woot.  I'm so excited to work on the Prince shoot.  The company I worked for produced the video for "Musicology," and he's CRAZY.  He's only 5 feet tall and is under the impression that everyone is staring/judging him.  Hence, during the last shoot, he decided to send 58 hired extras (and most of the extraneous crew) home.  Napoleonic complex at its best.  Gotta luv it.  
As for the old love life, it remains just that: old.  Ha...ha...ha.  No, but seriously, there has been somewhat of a major development/breakthrough.  I met a great guy: (411) 6'3", lanky, tan, sort of punk but not hard core...Burg-esque I would say, knows music videos and Michel better than me, and (wah!) is CHINESE!  Freek-a-leek.  There's hope for me yet.  
I mean, considering the only other Chinese guy I've ever been attracted to is as interesting as cement and will be deported any day now back to Hong Kong, this is a pretty big step.  Don't get your hopes up yet though, folks.  Apparently, everyone is ridiculously good looking here.  Sigh...what's a girl to do?  
It can actually be rather intimidating.  I mean - EVERYONE is attractive.  It's nice having eye candy, but it's harder to "mingle" in the bar scene b/c almost all of the A&F model guys are oogling the Britney wannabe's dancing on top of the bar.  I'm not even kidding -- this happened Saturday night at Miyagi's.  Oy.  The NU Crew (REL, Blake, Joey, Erica, Jon P. and I) are all feeling on the rather homely side.  
So after an uneventful evening of bar hopping on the Sunset Strip that ended hilariously at the Hustler Store, I decided to boost all of our egos by seeking more realistic means of image comparison.  I took the kids to the Orange County Fair.  
And there, in the middle of nowhere, is the mecca of apparently the only unattractive and overweight residents of California.  It was just as shocking to be surrounded by "orca-fat" people as it is to live with gorgeous ones.
The fair itself was pretty cool too.  There was an animal farm exhibit.  Joey played with the biggest pig I've ever seen (nearly 400 lbs of pork), and I got to take a picture of a chicken with a fro - no shit.  Blake introduced me to the wonderful creature that is a llama.  They're hysterical.  I know everyone's heard of them, but if you've never seen one, fucking Google it RIGHT NOW.  They look more like something out of The Neverending Story than a barnyard animal.  Erica introduced me to funnel cake.  So not Atkins friendly, but damn, it's good.
We also feasted upon candy apples, deep-fried Snicker bars (or just Joey) and raunchy nachos.  Blake also made me ride the Gravitron, and I nearly peed my pants from laughing...then nearly peuked on him when the whiplash began 5 minutes after leaving the ride.  Haha.  Anyway, I think that does it for my first update.  If you've made it this far, thanks for reading.  I'm going to attempt to make this a regular thang in the hopes of keeping everyone up to speed.  Or at least somewhat "catch-up-able"...you know what I mean.

p.s.  Here are some the highlights from the OC extravaganza...enjoy!


  • At 12:23 PM, Blogger atn19 said…

    yo biznatch. i got a blog so i could post comments. but honestly, you should have changed the settings! yada yada yada. your life is so much cooler than mine now. but hopefully, i'll be making lots of money one day. muahaha. miss ya. NOT!


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