out like a fat kid in dodgeball

the life and times of e. li-wei chu

Thursday, January 20, 2005

life TBD

Originally uploaded by li-wei.
Hello, world...it's been a while.

So despite the thievery of my brand new computer, Mookie I, the craziness of Christmas in Savannah, and the mandatoriness of new classes, I have finally started posting again.

But I'm afraid it's only to complain and confess my fears. I am terrified of this Saturday. I'm taking the DGA exam for the LA program. It's a 5 hour test that'll determine the next 2 years of my life.

Aaaaahhh! It's horrifying b/c as much as I study, there are still the "personality" and "creativity" portions of the exam that determines if you are suited to be an AD beyond the intellectual requirements. I mean, I'm buying a set of tangrams tomorrow to practice "spatial reasoning," but honestly - is my passive aggressive-ness going to fuck with my career aspirations?

Even the sample questions are kind of ridiculous! And they don't even like to take people right out of college. I'm going to be a recent grad that's passive aggressive and has a hard time waking up to an alarm clock. This has REJECTION written all over it.

anxious and signing off from Mookie II,



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