out like a fat kid in dodgeball

the life and times of e. li-wei chu

Sunday, December 05, 2004

primal scream


Please send sweets and smiles promptly to li-wei@northwestern.edu...I could use a good dose of encouragement. I'm terrified of my Rhetoric final. Damn - I KNEW I should have gotten up for class more.

And on the homefront, we have reached epic silent treament proportions. Mama Chu sprung the news that she's not going to be in Savannah for Christmas. Instead of spending time with her family who loves her, she has opted to drive 4 hours to Atlanta, stay in a hotel, and go after-Christmas-sale shopping early the next morning. Shopping instead of family!?! I think her hobby has officially reached addiction level. An intervention may be in order, yet no one seems to be saying anything but me. Ironically, my "protest" has been the silent treatment ever since I found out. I know - I'm really mature. But seriously though, WHO goes SHOPPING instead of hanging out with their family? Apparently Macy's is more important than my homecoming.

I'm currently in the Fisk computer lab. It's my home away from home and Steak'n'Shake. Haha. Adam Sobel aka "BFF" and I are studying our little hearts out. I came to the lab to pry myself away from my unhealthy Nick@Nite obsession, but it seems as if I can never escape the appeal of internet/procrastination.

Folks, I know it's been a while, but I *PROMISE* to post with great haste as soon as these finals are over.

Mantra of the Moment: Daniel Bedingield - "Gotta Get Through This (DND radio edit)"

